Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jake Audette, Core Advisor*

     To say it was hot outside would be like saying a swallow could migrate south while gripping a coconut. Ridiculously assumptive, but nonetheless, ever so quotable. I sat in my easy chair, the sun pouring through the window behind me, transforming the plush interior of my high rise office into a sweaty hothouse. It could be the sun's doing, but then again, the a/c might have busted again...

The door clicks open and in walks my newest client. He's a young kid, fresh out of high school. He's got that look about him, that one that says, “Help, I can't open the lid to the pickle jar.” I motion him in, tell him to take a load off, and introduce him to the other guys. It's what I do. They're all variations of the same hand. A bit fuzzy on the rules, but holding the makings of a royal flush. I teach 'em how to win. Kinda the Mister Miyagi of the place.

     Who am I, Daniel-San?

     I'm Jake Audette, Core Adviser.

     These tough cases are my cup of tea, literally. They're my cup of sugary, over-syruped, cafeteria-brand, sweet tea. It's my drink of choice during these meetings, it calms the nerves, focuses the senses. Inspires confidence.

     I got my C.A. license eight months ago, authorized to guide these young hearts, showing them the value of the hand they hold, and pointing them toward truth in this crazy world. It's a tough job, but hey, it's gotta be done. I do it 'cause I was in their shoes once, not too long ago. Lost and alone in a huge world, no friends within a thousand miles and no idea what I was going to do with myself, I found a local C.A. and he helped me cope. I learned to hear God's voice, to act with honor, to treat women with chivalry and respect. Eventually, I graduated to the big leagues. That's when I decided to take up the mantle, make the oath, sign the dotted line, start out on the path, and all those other epic metaphors that come with the title.

     Who am I?

     It's not who I am, it's what I do that defines me.

     I'm Jake Audette, Core Adviser.

*Jake Audette is not an actual HA Core Advisor nor do all CAs resemble 1920's gumshoes. 

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