Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Real Her

She stands on hill alone completely
as setting sun illumes her skin,
embrace of night descends about her
and breath of wind finds its way in

Encircling hands both soft and stately
coax life back into chilling arms
the heat, her weapon, temporary
to keep alive internal warm

Old tattered clothes drape from her figure
the gaping holes bespeak her plight
what cloth she has she pulls around her
refusing to give up the fight

Her thought is for the town below her
a squalid port upon the sea
it's beauty lost amid the clamor
dark streets abandoned just like she

From far it looks a shining jewel
with alabaster, jade and light
but from within, the city cruel
is anything but pure and white

Deep dusky eyes survey the chaos
of hatred, strife, disease, and greed
a thousand hundred voices clamor
each calling out unending need

A breaking pain from deep within her
splits tender lips in breathless moan
a longing or an aching hunger
for what was lost to be made whole

A lacking and an empty feeling
resides within her maiden breast
when what seemed fair became a horror
the price she could have never guessed

She sinks to sit, her knees enfolded
sheltered from the the biting wind
lamenting innocence forgotten
her hope is flick'ring, growing dim

Her eyelids shut, brief, momentary
the peace of solitude arrives
her face is cured of cares long carried
and beauty is once more alive

Caressing cheeks cherry in twilight
and waving golden hair like grass
across the meadow in the sunshine
as summer of remembered past

Yet woes return as oft they're apt to
and darken once again that face
so lovely when her cares are lifted
but pained with sorrow when replaced

She stands again and stretching stiffly
descends on high to reach the town
but as she goes a soft voice whispers,
“Come back my love, do not go down.”

“The city lies disguised in splendor,
it's hiding 'neath a mask of white
but just like you it's heart is broken
enslaved beneath the prince of night”

“Before you seek to alter nature
confront the emptiness within
for only with hope from your maker
can stains become pure white again.”

1 comment:

  1. "Pound you ancient guns of Wisdom!
    Thunder justice through the night.
    For I have joined the marching ranks,
    A legacy of war to fight."

    Now torch is past from sire to son
    To stay the course, to bear the light.
    Now boldly go, begin your run!
    Through back streets black with sin and blight.
