Super existential, right?
This could very well be the most answered question in the whole world. It's also the most asked.
We humans have to define ourselves. Musician, Nerd, Writer, CEO, Homosexual... the list of labels stretches ad infinitum. It's a national pastime. It's a search for identity.
More often than not, our answer to, "Who am I?" is just a description of, "What do I do?" or "Where is my life focused?"
I am going to attempt to avoid this, and target the real question, "Who am I?"
So, here is an accurate, if somewhat subjective, description of me:
Peter Leighton Douglas

Pretty sick, right? I thought so.
Really though, God named me. Straight up, before human conception, he planted the name in my dad's head.
Thusly, here begins my search for identity. After all, who else would know me better than my Creator?
Boom, boom, pow, we start by dismantling my name.
"Peter" - rock
- I have a super solid personality, very little emotional roller-coastering going on here.
- People who are hurting naturally gravitate toward me. I am safe. I am secure. People around me get a piece of that safety and security.
"Leighton" - a town in the meadow
- not too sure about this one.
- possibly a reference to a peaceful existence, openness/vulnerability, or maybe...
- the place heroes come from:
- after all, all the good stories start in a small meadow town in the middle of nowhere.
-Lord of the Rings (Shire), Wheel of Time (Emond's Field), Kingkiller Chronicles (Newarre).
"Douglas"- by/from the dark water
- intelligence/thoughtfulness- "dark" water is usually deep. I tend to get random deep thoughts. I like thinking them. I like sharing them with the world. Hence the blog. (Ahh, but I stray into answering the other question, forgive me.)
-it runs in the family...
So, there's my name... There's also a prophecy over my life, straight from the Man, er... God, himself, to my dad.
-"you will raise up godly men who will turn the hearts of the people back to the Lord."
Pretty intense calling, right?
Really, this means I'm a tool.
God made me to do His stuff, and I'm happy to do so.
There's plenty of stuff that I'm doing, but that's why I write a blog. As far as who I am, I'm still in the process of discovering the entirety of an answer. I'll keep you posted.
Till then,
Rock Darkwater
(Geeking out a bit still)