There is a spiritual war going on around you. The unseen forces of good and evil in the world are locked in a titanic struggle for dominance. Yes, but you know this already. Angels and demons have been fighting since the creation of man. There is the physical and the spiritual. We are physical. They are spiritual. But there is always a third. Like the Holy Trinity, the third member is the one that crosses over. The spiritual made physical. That is where I come in.
My name is Magnus. God has seen fit to open my eyes to the war here on earth. It is as real as the world wars or Vietnam. Our enemy is also just as real as the Viet Cong or the German SS were, but just as they were detached from the life of the everyday citizen, our enemy, who call themselves Gehennan, works from the shadows. I am telling you this because we need your help.
I lead the force known as the Protectorate. We are a group dedicated to the preservation of the Bride of Christ. We work to thwart the machinations of the Gehennan, and further the Kingdom on the unseen fronts of the earth. I have seen your zeal. Because of your fervent desire for the return of the Lord and the furtherance of his kingdom, as the Protectorate's Seer, I have deemed you worthy to join our cause.
We, like any organization, thrive off of the individual skills of our members. As a member of the Protectorate, you are pledging to answer any call for help that comes from our leader, the Apostle. The call may come for you to leave your home. You may be asked to give up money, friends, family, even your very life for the cause. Know that we do not take your commitment lightly. Neither should you. It is no less than Jesus asks his followers. Dangerous times are fast approaching. We will need your help.
What say you?
Will you stand up for the truth?
Will you join us to combat the plans of Satan?
Sign your name below in agreement and we will contact you.

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